Swords and sandals 3 shizzle
Swords and sandals 3 shizzle

“We can keep a secret…” Willow remarked, with a hopeful look on her face. They all exchanged looks, then turned to Eda. “But I don’t know if I want to talk about it around those little gremlins.” Luz looked to her friends. However she stowed her excitement when she remembered that Amity, Gus, and Willow were also here. “That, and so much more!” Eda replied, Excitedly. “Eda, is this why you were gone for so long?” Luz asked, upon drawing in close to Eda. Eda and Lilith had already stepped onto the shores to greet Luz and King, not exactly expecting Luz’s friends to be here too. In time everyone had made it down to the beach area, where Eda’s supposedly stolen sloop was resting. Just as everyone else left, Hooty shouted back to them, “Tell Lilith I say hi!” Hooty tried to follow, but he could not reach himself far enough. “Come on to the shores, there’s so much for me to show you!” With that, Luz, her friends, and King, all rushed down to the shoreline to meet Eda and the ship she had brought. Through all the commotion, King had been awoken, and ran outside with a “Weh!?” Hooty woke up and immediately shot into the air, level with where Luz’s room was.

swords and sandals 3 shizzle

Eda called out again, “Kid, look! Look what Lilith and I got!” It sounded as if her voice was being projected through a Megaphone. They were able to Identify this as a vessel of the Emperor’s Coven.

swords and sandals 3 shizzle

They all looked out the window to see the black and gold ship. The callout drew the attention of Luz and her friends. That voice was easily recognizable as the voice of Eda Clawthorn. That quickly changed, when a voice was projected from the ship towards the old shack. Although it had not yet drawn the attention of anyone in the Owl House. From out of the Window of Luz’s room, a ship, a sloop of black and gold, with magnificent white sails, could be seen. The chill vibes of the Owl House were swept away with the Arrival of a peculiar ship. Yesterday evening she said she had a ‘Special Job’ to do, and hasn’t been back since. As for Eda, well Eda was simply not here. King too, had been napping all day, for similar reasons. Hooty had been sleeping most of the day, due to the lack of activity, or anyone to interact with. Doing not much, simply talking, laughing, and making strange concoctions for food. Luz, Amity, Willow, and Gus had been hanging out in the Owl House all day. This was a relaxed day for those who rested inside. Not too far from the shores lies the Owl House.

swords and sandals 3 shizzle

The breeze was gentle and the tides were quiet as they crashed against the nearby shore.

Swords and sandals 3 shizzle